Title: | No recover after GPU VRAM overflow |
Category: | Crash/Critical |
Status: | Open |
Posted By: | vklein ( v.klein@mediaprojekt.tv ) |
Date Created: | 10 June 2016 |
Title: | No recover after GPU VRAM overflow |
Category: | Crash/Critical |
Status: | Open |
Posted By: | vklein ( v.klein@mediaprojekt.tv ) |
Date Created: | 10 June 2016 |
Description: | If I manage to make a bigger simulation (more particles) than fits into the VRAM, Lucid wont work, which is so far excusable and expected. BUT, the VRAM don't gets emptied when resimulation with a small, fitting scene. No Lucid trick, nor a 3dsmax restart helps. Only solution so far is log off and on again in Windows. Then the VRAM is emptied again. To make thinks complicated we do not have this behaviour on all workstations, I would say on 50%-70%. We use multiple, equal Dell workstations running Windows 10, GTX 980 4 GB VRAM, driver 365.10, 64GB RAM I know that Lucid normally empties VRAM on simulation start, but not after overflow here. |
Steps to Reproduce: | Make big simulation with very small particle size to use more vram than the graphics card have. Try to simulate something smaller after this. Does it work in 100% of cases? |