
Title:Show as particles does not work
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:10 August 2016



Hi we use 3ds max 2015 and if we check show as particles for ropes  we still see spline but no particles.  is it max 2015 error ?

Steps to Reproduce:

Hi Marsel

I attached the video clicking show as particles never works for ropes or any other items.  Why. is it because I am using windows 7.

Attached Files:

>show+as+particles.MOV (1862234 bytes),

I think that is expected behaviour. You need to run 'Toggle Lucid Physics' from Lucid main submenu then.

Thank you again! It worked



Ephere, can we have particles off and on workign without toggle lucid enabled?

Particles are only generated during simulation so you do need to be simulating to see them.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)