
Title:Rope Lucid does not work in new
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:10 August 2016



For some reason now when you select spline and assign lucid to make rope nothing happens.  Lucid does not show up in modifier list. Also if you open old files made with older lucid and click simulate rope jsut bends strangly.  Thanks


Scenes and videos attached

Steps to Reproduce:

Well i just check after uninstalling the newest lucid and isntalling my older one I still do not see lucid modifier for ropes  That is strange.  But it jsut worked right before I upgraded to the newsest lucid

Ok Seems like ropes work with the version and lower  With higher version they do not.  Why is that?


We are using nvidia drivers 362.00  because newer ones are unstable.  Maybe this is the reason  Older physX ??

It could be due to scene units setup, though i am surprized that would have any effect. I cannot make it out, is that a spline curve in the "no lucid modifier with splines" video?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

yes  it is just regular spline.  If i create any spline and add lucid nothing happens.  This version and lower  works fine.