
Title:Rigid body and Lucid Geometry very slow
Posted By:Cechowski ( Tomasz Cechowski )
Date Created:21 February 2017



Just learning to Lucid demo version for 3dsmax 2014 GeForce 1060 GTX Lucid is very fast simulation Cloth, and Fluid, but Rigid Body works very, very slow (much slower than MassFX). Lucid Geometry in the Particle Flow also works very slowly even at 2 emissions cubes. Are you the full version of Rigid Body will work equally quickly as Cloth, Fluid?

Steps to Reproduce:

It is because rigid bodies in Lucid are made up of voxelized particles. Turn on Show as Particles option to see what I mean. To speed up working with rigid bodies increase particle size.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)