
Title:no toolbar
Category:User Interface
Posted By:vipervfx ( Soumitra Vaze )
Date Created:20 April 2017



I used older versions earlier which had a toolbar in max however, I have now installed latest 2017 build in which after installation thers only menu by the name of Lucid no toolbar is present is this okay or not? since I am using it after 8 to 10 months 

Steps to Reproduce:

Hello, please see here:

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hello, I also tried to install the last two releases and no toolbar.
I tried both LucidAddToolbar() and LucidRemoveToolbar() with no effect.
I also tried manually copying that text in multiple .cuix files, also with no effect.

Some details to add: the 3ds mas has a custom install path on D hdd, and not on C since I have an ssd.
3ds max also is installed directly on D:\3ds Max 2018\ and not in C:\Program Files ...

At least the menu works and I could manually install the toolbar buttons, but they don't have any image icons on the buttons and they have a different functionality compared to tutorials.
For example the simulation button doesn't remain pressed.

An interesting fact, if I right click a button and choose "edit button appearance" I have a Lucid section where all the buttons images are visible.
So 3ds max correctly reads the Lucid icons.

Hi Sebastian,

Have you tried installing it manually using the instructions provided by Marsel in the post above yours?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

The above instructions say to manually install and uninstall the toolbar with the command :


I tried it again. I got the messsage "If you continue, you will lose all changes made to your UI layout since you started this session. Continue ?"

I clicked yes.. nothing changed, and I got an "OK" bellow that line.

Next I tried manually installing the toolbar also without effect.
Hmm seems I tried a second time copying that text in multiple .cuix files and now I finally got the toolbar (I think first time I missed a line or something). I am able to press the buttons, but they don't work, while the menu works.

If I hover the mouse above, all buttons have this text: >>> @!&*# <<<

Is it a question of folder permissions ? Since I installed 3ds max directly on D ? with "useUserProfiles=0"  But many users install max like that.

Sebastian, try using the default workspace.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Some new tests.

I deleted all the custom workspaces except for the default.

LucidAddToolbar()    this still doesnt work. But I added manually all that text in the Workspace1__usersave__.cuix . Restarted max and now I have the toolbar.

Then I tried LucidRemoveToolbar() And this works. The toolbar is removed.
So I cannot add with LucidAddToolbar(), I can only add by copying the text in .cuix, but I can use the  LucidRemoveToolbar() to remove the toolbar.

Still, even if the toolbar is removed, if I restart max, the toolbar is back again. I try LucidRemoveToolbar() again and this time I also save the workspace as default.
And now after max restart, the toolbar is gone. But again, I cannot add it back with LucidAddToolbar(), but only by copying that text in .cuix.

Another thing would be - if the toolbar is removed, everytime I start max, before max is fully loaded the toolbar appears for a second, and after max is completely loaded, the toolbar dissapears.

Unfortunatelly with all the trials, the buttons don't work. And show again the same text if I hover the mouse ">>> @!&*# <<<"

If I try to add an object as Steel, I can press the button and I get the expanded menu, but the object is not added. Also if I press "Show Flex settings" nothing happens.
If I press the first button for - Toggle Lucid Simulation - the button will remain pressed, but the simulation is not actually on.
It's like the buttons are not internally connected to anything.

Hi Sebastian, from your description it sounds like Lucid plugin itself is not installed or is not loaded. It is strange though that the remove command would work then. Do you have Lucid main menu present, and also do you have the "Lucid Modifier" in the modifiers list?

Max has some quirks with their cuix toolbar system which we had to design around but I hear about this problem first time.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Lucid works (with direct3d). The simulation and everything.
After install, it automatically added a menu above. The menu works.
I also tried adding a custom toolbar and dragging the buttons and they worked, but the buttons have only text and no icons, and are not so user friendly as in the video tutorials.

I searched here for the same problem and found lots of topics about the same issue. No toolbar buttons, so I'm surprised you say this is the first time you hear about this. Unless those problems were slightly different.

I could try installing some other third party plugin with a toolbar, just to see if that plugin can add on my install a custom toolbar.

Sebastian, I've seen this problem before but it's related to the new workspace system in Max 2018 and using the default workspace solve the problem. I wonder what is different in this case... Have you tried restarting your Max settings (backup first) adn then reinstalling Lucid?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi I have the same problem with Ornatrix and lucid. I was already using the default workspace. I set it to something else and wnet back top default and I installed ornatirx latest nightly and now I have to ornatrix toolbar but no lucid toolbar. I reintalled lucid by repair and still no toolbar.

Ok I removed lucidd, opened max and closed max and then reainstalled lucid and now I have both toolbars.

Thanks for the follow up!

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)