
Title:Assert failed: owner_->lucidHost_ != nullptr && worldGeometryId != InvalidWorldGeometryId
Posted By:shawnolson ( Shawn Olson )
Date Created:10 October 2017



I was testing a simple Lucid setup today and got the following popup:


File: Private\ObjectSpaceModifierData.cpp
Line: 1166
Function: Ephere::Plugins::Autodesk::Max::Lucid::ObjectSpaceModifier::Data::CaptureInitialState
Expression: Assert failed: owner_->lucidHost_ != nullptr && worldGeometryId != InvalidWorldGeometryId


Steps to Reproduce:

I'm not entirely certain but I had a Torus with a Lucid Modifier set to Inflated body type. After I clicked the Set Initial State, I scrubbed the time slider and that's when the message appeared.

Hi Shawn,

Thank you for the report, I'll look into this.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Shawn, I cannot reproduce this. Can you share the problematic scene?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)