
Title:Mergin a scene with a lucid path leading to inexisting folder will cause asserts or crash
Posted By:Strob ( Jocelyn Simard )
Date Created:5 November 2017



When I have a lucid modifier with a record path set to an inexisting folder in a scene, the scene becomes impossible to merge in another scene. It took me 6 hours to discover why max was crashing everytime I was trying to merge my scene. At one point I thought i removed all lucid objects but I forgot the sdf collision which has no path but it was still crashing when trying to import.

Steps to Reproduce:

Just open 3ds max 2018 an d try to merge that included scene. It should give an asset. In my more complicated scene with many lucid modifier it just crashed max evertytime without asserts message.

this included scene is just a cloth sphere with a path and a plane and 3 cubes in sdf collision.


Attached Files:

>bugLucidPath.max (737280 bytes),


I'm sorry! It seems I missed this post. I'm able to reproduce this and created a ticket. Thanks for the report. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Ok thanks, it's probably linked to the other problems. It's always related to lucid having a path to a cache on disk setup and max not being able to resolve it and crashing. If it can give you a clue, I saw other instances where max was crashing because something was missing. For example I installed Afanasy (a free open source render farm manager) and the submiter script for 3dsmax is calling for some windows environment variable and if the variable is not setup max just crash instead of just outputing an error and stop loading the script.

Thanks for  fixing it. I just tested it first with the scene above and it staill crahsed, but if i rebuild that scene from sctach in the new lucid build it will not crash so that one is fixed! thanks!