
Title:Lucid and Particle Flow
Posted By:RP07 ( Max )
Date Created:27 April 2018



Hey, I got a problem, I have done a simulation in combination of Particle Flow and Lucid.
Now I try to render, but at Frame 66 I got a Critical error:

File: Private\PFGeometryOperator.cpp

Line: 856

Function: Ephere::Plugins::Autodesk::Max::Lucid::PFGeometryOperator::GetParticlePositions

Expression: Assert failed: geometry != nullptr


I can scrub the timeline without problems and the simulation seems to be nice

but if I try to render on the Network, the particle disapper at the same Frame.


Do you have a idea for me, what shall I do?

Steps to Reproduce:

Hello, is there a chance that you recorded the simulation and during render time the number of particles is different than what you see inside the viewport?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)