Cannot start Cuda driver

Posted by:markopal
Data created:3 December 2015

Hi, got Titan X, win 8.1, latest drivers, and receive this message from lucid:


''Cannot start Cuda driver. Please make sure you have a CUDA device selected in Lucid's Global Settings dialog''.


Guessing it is due to hardware fault, meaning got broken Titan X?



Is it selected in Lucid's global settings dialog?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

there are two options:

inherit from Nvidia Control Panle 



It just says "p" for the second option?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

yes just ''p''.

But somehow found solution - deleted environment variable for cuda and now Titan X shows up.

That was randomly found solution.

So far lucid is very fast :)

Thanks for sharing the solution! I also had this issue a while back, I re-installed my nvidia drivers using the 'perform clean install' option and then it worked. 

Michael Wentworth-Bell


Test system for Lucid:
GTX 780 6GB
32GB Ram
Windows 7 Pro
3ds Max 2016 EXT2


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