Lava/Magma Simulation

Posted by:hyade
Data created:18 December 2015


I try to simulate lava. My problem is that kind a hard to find the right settings for it .. i wish there where a better documentaion especialy from the flex force drop down .. what exactly does Viscosity, Drag, Lift and the both plastic slider doing? 

and I got a certain question .. with the particle speed I can pretty nice control the speed but as soon there is 0a blob of particle falling down own its own i want it to accelerate until it hits the surface or the rest of the mesh again. 




If you hover over these settings you should see a brief description of them. By particle speed do you mean the limit speed? If so, this is a global setting and you should only use it to ensure simulation stability. Generally you can use the iterations and substep count to improve stability and blob behavior.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)