Lucid License and network rendering

Posted by:michaelwbell
Data created:21 December 2015

Hello Marsel, 

I was interested in finding out how the Licensing system for Lucid will work with Network rendering when it is available for sale. I haven't tried a network render yet so had a few questions on this topic. 

Will it be possible to install Lucid on render nodes for network rendering? (Similar setup to how 3ds max works in 'unregistered mode'? Will there be a limit to the amount of render licenses available with 1x Lucid UI license or will there be an unlimited amount of render nodes?

Currently I suppose users could export their simulations as an alembic sequence, XMesh, PRT, Particle flow Cache, etc in order to render on the farm without requiring a Lucid license. I imagine users will still want to have lucid installed on the render farm so they can simply submit a .max scene to the network and have it render, either reading cache data in the .max scene or the .lrd files.

In summary, just wondering if there will be a render-only license, or specific license limitations for network rendering?


Michael Wentworth-Bell


Test system for Lucid:
GTX 780 6GB
32GB Ram
Windows 7 Pro
3ds Max 2016 EXT2


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Hi Michael,

Good question. Network rendering with Lucid will be handled the same way as Ornatrix: unlimited free render node licenses, simply install Lucid on the slave computers and it will not ask for a license unless you try to access the GUI in any way.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)