Particles Explode

Posted by:kdronez
Data created:6 January 2016

I tried to collide skinned geometry with lucid particles however they didnt collide so I decided to attachment constraint a few primitive objects(spheres)to the object for collision and it worked out however at some point the particles starts to explode at some point during the simulation.I`m using convex hull for the collisions.I also ticked off the "Fluid Constraints" options.

I also have 1 request if its possible to get spreadsheet like in houdini for debuging of the sims in later versions would be great :>.


Best wishes.

Veselin Georgiev Gyurov.

Hi Veselin,

Thank you for the report. To get a clearer picture of what's going on do you mind posting a screenshot or the scene? It is possible that your particles could have size that's too big or too small. Also maybe the simulation sub-steps need to be adjusted.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

my radius inside the flex settings is 0,is that the same radius you mentioned?I tried to up the sub-steps but it got worse T_T,lowering them down was better but as expected collision wasnt very good.I`m posting little playblast of the sim.