I post this in another topic but this is it. I think any new lucid user would love this.
Example of real flow viscosity comparison https://youtu.be/hZXEpVZO-OQ
"I found Lucid good for a fast try, but there's a real lack of documentations, impact of each parameter."
We would love to have each global lucid setting have a very detailed description and have pictures and videos for each setting:
For example Drag 0.0 this happens, drag 0.5 this happens, drag 1.0 etc etc
Even after reading manual it is still not clear or we do not see visiable difference in simulation what is drag, lift, dissipation, damping, surface, restitution, inertia bias etc etc when those must be use, why. are they used for cloths or liquids, should values be between 0 -1 or they can go upto 100 etc etc
Thank you