Police Line Tape

Posted by:coilbook
Data created:20 September 2016

Hi We are trying to achieve Police line plastic tape tear where police officer goes through it and tears it.  Unfortunatly when simulation starts tapes drops down to the ground. We increased stiffness, decreased stretch  but then when tape is broken  it looks stiff.  If we decrease stiffness and increase stretch then tape drops down to the ground (stretches)  at the beginning.   Would be nice to have "preserve initial state.  "

What are the best settings then?  We attached the scene 3ds max 2015   Thank you!

Attached Files:

>police+line.max (942080 bytes),

You need to decrease stretch, increase bend, and increase sub steps and iterations to about 30 each. Please see attached scene. To tear it properly I suggest adding a texture map for tearing where it is white only around the area where the box will touch the tape.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thank you Could you reattach te scen by any chance.


Also can I use gradient ramp  and make middle of the tape white

And one more thing how to make cloth less spiky looking.  It is dense mesh but not smooth  Thank you

Attached Files:
Image 1

still collapsing cloth at f irst   like you cannot make it under tension no matter what we did

Attached Files:
Image 1

One more thing.  The only way we made tape under tension and not to fall is set gravity to 0  and then when car hits it we set gravity to -9.8  so  torn  tape would fall  (this is not right.  Please make preserve initial state or ropes/cloth under tension )


  Also when object hits tape you can see it stretches the wrong way (tape hugs object first  and bends on the right side of the object.  It is wrong )

can it be nvdia's fault  


Could you  create  a sample scene where 10 meter long police tape UNDER TENSION   gets torn by a cop car.  Thank you !

Attached Files:
Image 1