After 5 days.. my thoughts and questions for the devs.

Posted by:awadmin
Data created:1 March 2017

Hello there.  First off, I am loving this plugins.  Lucid is a lot of fun.  The wrong settings can make you pull your hair out like any simulation software, and the documentation is lacking, but it's still a lot of fun and very capable.  I picked it up in a day or two and produced final art with it in a crunch.  I am doing a sim of 5000+ pieces of shredded cheese falling into the package, and I have produced some decent results in my minimal time whilst learning the plugin.

I will caveat all that follows with the statement that I am NOT an FX artist.. I may just be using the tool wrong, so please understand that as you read my questions, issues, and feature ideas.  

1. Fixed scale is not ideal and seems to make things difficult to dial in.  Values of .004 are being used, for instance.. Could very well just be my fault.  In a quick turnaround job I didn't want to be re-scaling and moving elements off origin, etc.

2. The hover-over documentation is great (aside from the quick-disappearing of it), but it's missing on some features/dialogs/etc, and also, if features are un-used on certain types of sim objects such as cloth and inflatable, softbody, etc.  For instance, Flex settings Scale > resolution does absolutely nothing to my inflatable/collision setup.  No time difference, identical results, etc.  values of .001 to 500 didn't change, so I assume this isn't needed for collision/inflatable only sims?

3. Changing the particle size on an inflatable sim drastically affects nearly every other setting in the sim.  This isn't as ideal as I think it should be.  particles and their settings should be relative, but they seemed very VERY relative.  IE, if I get a nice fast sim and just want to upres it or nerf some intersecting geo, it's another hour of trial and error because changing the substeps or iterations was NOT a small change.  Same with particle size.  On an inflatable, the size seemed to drastically affect everything, eventhough the count never changes.  Going from 5 to 5.1 makes my mesh get spiky, etc.  At least in this case.

4. Max particle velocity is saving my butt on this sim since i only care about the final resting look, but it could be more robust.  I am using it in conjunction with substeps and iterations to find a nice fast balance with good quality.  Perhaps more like max's cloth dynamic threshold?  Maybe automatically increase it (but perhaps show us in the viewport info?) for particles that need it, when they need it.  For instance, my sim works wonders until the majority of the cheese shreds start piling up on the first few who hit the bottom of the collider object.. then they just smash together infinitely until the sim's initial downward gravity force is done controlling and the materials sort of bounce back. But those that are already inside of one another on the bottom are un-recoverably smashed into nothing.  This needs way more sub-steps and samples to fix in this case, which slows the whole sim down unnecessarily.  Adaptive settings?  Maybe dynamically increse based on rogue particle behavior?  More on that below..

5. I tried animating the gravity amount and on/off, etc.  Didn't work.  What features are animatable?

6. I get exceptions every time I start a simulation file.  I have to say "don't bug me" and just continue.  I've never not-had that warning pop up to my recollection.

7. Materials often times don't show in the viewport (My materials were just colors and standard materials in a multi-sub)

8. PFlow setup does not produce the same results as having the meshes in the viewport with modifiers.  This could be due to the forces, which I can't get to work in the modifier, but it actually seems like it's less-quality.  More penetrations, less detailed reactions, etc.  It also loses smoothing groups and triangulates which is less than ideal.  I am also unable to get mesh to particle as a result.  This could be my idiocy in PFlow.  I know enough to be dangerous, and that's about it.

9. Flex Forces - > wind.. is this disabled for inflated sims?  Doesn't do anything.  Does it need an emitter gizmo, and if so, is that a spacewarp bind?

10. Depending on particle radius, mesh density, and inflation/stretch settings, my meshes turn "spiky" at the start of the sim (every other vert seems to jut out from the mesh).  This is incredibly hard to dial in and remove while keeping characteristics I wish to retain during the sim.

11. inflatables could definitely use features to preserve origina/target mesh shape, plasticity, etc.  Doesn't seem to do anything in the flex settings as those are only for rigids from what I saw in the demo vids.  I mention plasticity in reference to max cloth, BTW.

12. Is there a particle "kill" object type that I missed?  Some of my particles don't all make it into the collider object, and the ability to trim them while still being able to save a cache to disk would be excellent.  (vert number changes seem to invalidate the caches)

13.  Instancing a modifier across multiple mesh groups is great, but then you can't save individual caches.  Are there flags to use in the filename so your first sim doesn't override the next object's?  I thought I got this to work once, but ever since, it doesn't work.  Also, is there any way to make the browse dialog remember your last folder?  That was very annoying that it kept defaulting to the max-file save path.

14. Is there a way to record the sim to a certain frame, change settings and continue, especially with caching to disk on?  I am wasting tons of time redoing good frames because the record is faster and better than just turning the sim on and scrubbing frames.  (for me).

15. What would control a mesh's twist factor?  Stretch doesn't seem to do it, and bend is very touchy.  I wanted to enable some torsion, but I couldn't get it without losing the other characteristics.

16. Can you sim spline shapes and replace with meshes later via skinwrap or isntance swap?  Is simming a spline quicker than an inflatable with 60ish polygons (x5000)? (think shredded cheese.. just a rectangle with some subdividions).  The video showed what appeared to resemble the particles of an inflatable object instead of a softbody, but it seemed to work quickly.

17. Density seems ignored for inflatable objects.  How do I set mass?  Not for buoyancy but for inflatable/inflatable collisions.  Is that possible somewhere?  Turning up the pressure balloons my meshes, and turning up the stretch resistance actually breaks my sim, yet when 3000 pieces of cheese are on top of others, they smash them.  Curious the best route to take.  I eventually slowed everything down and upped the samples which reduces the "cool" look of particles smashing into one another mid-flight.  Best of both worlds is what I was after lol.

18. Is there a plan for post-sim refinement via secondary "settling" abilities, etc?  Quick sims get me very very close, but the ability to have volume check for intersections after the initial sim and attempt to fix via different settings (perhaps more flexibility, etc) would be excellent.  This is part of my "initial state" sort of question, I assume.  Typically though, intersections are what they are.  The fact that this plugin knows they are inflatable volumes, couldn't it detect it at rest and fix it?  Just thinking out loud.  Most sims would instantly view the last sim's end pose and explode because particles are too close, etc.  It could be nice to turn off features and only care about others, etc.

19. Is there an air-resistance or turbulence factor somewhere?  Or can this be supplied in a non-pflow sim?  Wind with a gizmo would solve this.  I couldn't seem to get that to work.

20. The ability to have sim groups with their own settings such as start time, gravity amount, collisions on/off and at what time, etc. would be great.  Because of the size of the scene bounds, I had to have overlapping meshes that started at different times to get enough cheese in the bag (because of the pflow issues I had).  This worked great with the start time, except the initial ease-in of the gravity's effect meant there was a big gap between chunks in the sim.  This creates a visible area in the result.  If I started the second sim set earlier, they crashed through the previous elements still "falling."  Can you set the forces to already have a pre-roll but not allow these "groups" to interact until a specified time?  Since Lucid appears to have one global sim system, I couldn't figure this out.  Self-collisions was not animatable.

21. On that note, could there be an ability to check for collisions with other sim elements but not itself?  I know self-collisions can be costly.  Also, I had many meshes "flip" an edge inward even with this checkbox on and a ton of sub-steps.  Seemed to not work entirely.  Perhaps inflatable-elements (made up of however many particles per mesh-element) not check within themselves?  Does this exist?  

22.  Could the globals be a floating interface like PFlow or other scripts?  Switching back and forth was rather time consuming when all was said and done.

23.  I eventually had 6 main objects with many mesh "cheese" elements within each that resembled the 6 different shape instances and material variations that I had in my initial particle setup.  Instancing these modifiers across the 6 objects wasn't an option due to the caching, so I eventually ended up using the wire parameters to unify the 3 settings I kept adjusting.  Maybe an internal solution for this?  There are many maxscripts that handle multiple modifiers' settings at once, like VMC and Zorb.  It would be nice to have sections of different modifiers be linkable.  This is a long-standing max issue, but any internal fixes you can add are appreciated.

24. At some point using the shelf icons to add objects to my sim setup, I ended up getting an error (maxscript) that the flex settings node was not the correct name or something to that effect.  Is it possible to just "reset" the globals and wipe out everything but maybe save presets first?  Screenshotting my panels was my solution when max decided to shit the bed and needed a reboot.

25. Sub-steps up to 99 worked fine, but when I went over 100, the first meshes in my objects would not respect gravity and required the rest of the cheese to "land" on them floating in the air in order for them to move.  Sub-steps over 100 was just me testing the inner-penetration issues, and I eventually ended up with much lower numbers and more stable sims, but that seemed like a bug.  Are there min/max values for inputs other than the solid rest % that maybe aren't locked like they should be?  

26. Can the globals/modifier menu be context sensitive to only show features that are applicable to the active sim state?  Quick toggles for other global functions like.. setting all X type objects to inactive, etc.  That could be useful.

27.  Don't turn a sim element's "active" checkbox on mid-sim.. it doesn't like that.  ;p  More specifically, I set the "start frame" time to 5 frames ahead of the current frame when I clicked active.  It was worth a shot.  ;p

28. Viewport hints like perhaps object coloration for settings to know when you're in the right ballpark?  For instance.. Dissipation.  I have no idea what a good value would be without numerous sims guessing.  Can previous sims store "average" data from the particles to aid in these adjustments?  It would be good to know that at a certain frame 90% of the particles are at X value for instance.  Just a thought.  Similar to how houdini can show vertex velocity "streamers" it could be cool to have that option as check-boxes on some of the globals.  Perhaps this is all just a units-mismatch confusion issue that I had.

29. This is another "more documentation" type thing but.. what is Near shapes, %?  Any way to get a bounding box or something like a temp-particle display while dragging the slider (see above)?

30. Are multi-GPU systems helpful at all for speed?  Obviously memory-wise they are limited by whatever is on one card, but could an SLI system help?

31. Would having multiple resolutions of your meshes, used for specific parts of the sim, help at all?  If I understand correctly, this is sort of what particles+clusters does, right?  At Scanlne, every asset got a convex hull for sim purposes, but some elements were refined with additional res meshes.  I am unsure if this is possible in a one-step sim engine like this.

32. Do the tether settings affect inflatable sims at all?

33. inflatable particles should have the ability to show their linked neighbors, etc.  I realized one of my meshes had an issue when I tried switching to a softbody with small particles.  There were "trails" of particles as if I had an edge connecting two of my mesh elements (top to bottom of my object.. was very strange).  I didn't realize that was my problem until I tried that and saw the phantom particles, which I assume were also causing the inflatable setup issues, because once I scrubbed the geo and re-imported it, those issues went away. (see attached screen)  I can confirm there was nothing connecting the meshes, and the vertex order was rebuilt with the same result.


Well, that's all I have for now.  Like I said, very pleased, but also very confused at some of it.  I was shocked to notice that the collision objects resolution didn't really seem to matter much at all to my sims.  Things like that are normally very important to my cloth sims.  Ideally the efficiency aspect could use some help with more statistics in the viewport display, etc.  Stuff like that I assume is coming, but in development.

Let me know if you have any tips or info or answers.  Much appreciated.  I should be able to share the scene file once I get an OK from work.  I just have to remove images.

BTW, is there a way to get a separate user account other than the admin account at work used to purchase the license?

- Justin

Attached Files:
Image 1

Wow.. yeah.. sorry.

Also.. the "spiky" mesh issue.. I am attaching an example of the mesh and then the spikes.  Fine-tuning the settings eventually lets me get rid of this, but it's very annoying.  There are no weird transforms or initial velocities, etc.  I am unsure of what is causing this.  I do know that smaller particle sizes helps, but then I get more penetrations, etc.  Like I said, fine tuning helps.

Attached Files:
Image 1

Hi Justin,

Thank your for the time you took to write and explain this to us, we appreciate the feedback! I'll pass this to the devs.

"BTW, is there a way to get a separate user account other than the admin account at work used to purchase the license?"

I think your license is attached to the user who bought the product but I'm not sure if you can add another user to it, I will investigate and get back to you soon.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Much appreciated.


I am attaching the common error that I get every time I use the plugin.

Attached Files:
Image 1

Another question... I am shrink-wrapping using an inflatable "box" essentially (delauney) and would love to have more granular control over "zones."  Is it possible to apply an overall lucid modifier and then (using a volume select or other means) apply another modifier with different settings to just a selection of verts?  I want to say I saw this in a video, but I can't seem to find it now. Ok so I added a polyselect and used soft, added another inflate lucid mod and checked use soft.  It just acts like a preserve.  Is this a cloth-only feature?

Also.. the stretch value maxes out at 3.  Is there a reason for this?  I feel like the mesh crosses over itself with lower sampling and starts stretching like crazy.. and changing it from 3 to even 2.9 causes many issues in this file.  Seems very touchy, and I'd love to know what's going on under the hood.

I am also noticing that SDF objects are not being deformed by inflatable objects.  Is this correct?  I can possibly get by with two inflatable objects.. Time to test.  Just curious if there's a setting for stiffness per object in the SDF (tried density as a shot in the dark), or maybe drag for cloth dynamic friction per object, etc?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Justin,

Thank you very much for the very detailed write up on your experience and the suggestions. This is a lot to take in so I will use this thread for reference for a long time. For now here are my quick answers to each of the question, these are mostly off the top of my head.

> 1. Fixed scale is not ideal and seems to make things difficult to dial in. Values of .004 are being used, for instance.. Could very well just be my fault. In a quick turnaround job I didn't want to be re-scaling and moving elements off origin, etc.

Do you mean scale for particles or scene scale? We respect scene units. All simulations happen in base centimeter units and everything else should be converted properly.

> 2. The hover-over documentation is great (aside from the quick-disappearing of it), but it's missing on some features/dialogs/etc, and also, if features are un-used on certain types of sim objects such as cloth and inflatable, softbody, etc. For instance, Flex settings Scale > resolution does absolutely nothing to my inflatable/collision setup. No time difference, identical results, etc. values of .001 to 500 didn't change, so I assume this isn't needed for collision/inflatable only sims?

Yes, we need to continue adding more tooltips and improving the docs. Resolution will only work if manual particle radius is 0. It automatically sets particle radius based on scene geometry size and value you specify. But if you specify manual radius, that overrides scene resolution.

> 3. Changing the particle size on an inflatable sim drastically affects nearly every other setting in the sim. This isn't as ideal as I think it should be. particles and their settings should be relative, but they seemed very VERY relative. IE, if I get a nice fast sim and just want to upres it or nerf some intersecting geo, it's another hour of trial and error because changing the substeps or iterations was NOT a small change. Same with particle size. On an inflatable, the size seemed to drastically affect everything, eventhough the count never changes. Going from 5 to 5.1 makes my mesh get spiky, etc. At least in this case.

This is how NVidia FleX works. Since we use it for simulation we have to just make sure that parameters passed into it are valid and will not cause instabilities. Spiky mesh is strange. Can you show was it looks like with "Show as Particles" on? I wonder if it is meshing or particles themselves which cause this to happen.

> 4. Max particle velocity is saving my butt on this sim since i only care about the final resting look, but it could be more robust. I am using it in conjunction with substeps and iterations to find a nice fast balance with good quality. Perhaps more like max's cloth dynamic threshold? Maybe automatically increase it (but perhaps show us in the viewport info?) for particles that need it, when they need it. For instance, my sim works wonders until the majority of the cheese shreds start piling up on the first few who hit the bottom of the collider object.. then they just smash together infinitely until the sim's initial downward gravity force is done controlling and the materials sort of bounce back. But those that are already inside of one another on the bottom are un-recoverably smashed into nothing. This needs way more sub-steps and samples to fix in this case, which slows the whole sim down unnecessarily. Adaptive settings? Maybe dynamically increse based on rogue particle behavior? More on that below..

Nvidia FleX is what uses the max. particle velocity to limit particle speeds at any given time, to avoid instability. We don't have much control over doing it for individual particles though we can probably try to remove the restriction and handle Max velocities on our end. In any case, since this is a max. velocity it will not affect particles moving slower than it. Otherwise there is no way to tell if particle is moving too fast due to instability or as a desired effect.

> 5. I tried animating the gravity amount and on/off, etc. Didn't work. What features are animatable?

Strange, gravity should be animatable. Maybe we're not setting it at every frame. I will need to do some testing.

> 6. I get exceptions every time I start a simulation file. I have to say "don't bug me" and just continue. I've never not-had that warning pop up to my recollection.

Can you please list the exact steps to reproduce this from scratch? Looks like a bug which needs to be fixed on high priority.

> 7. Materials often times don't show in the viewport (My materials were just colors and standard materials in a multi-sub)

You mean on a meshed object? Can you send me a scene where this happens? Seems to be working OK here.

> 8. PFlow setup does not produce the same results as having the meshes in the viewport with modifiers. This could be due to the forces, which I can't get to work in the modifier, but it actually seems like it's less-quality. More penetrations, less detailed reactions, etc. It also loses smoothing groups and triangulates which is less than ideal. I am also unable to get mesh to particle as a result. This could be my idiocy in PFlow. I know enough to be dangerous, and that's about it.

Are you using PF geometry operator or fluid? If geometry, is it with inflated object? Again, some sample scene would be very useful. PFlow does get simulated with different approach from normal since we have to abide by PFlow rules and forces so difference in behavior is to be expected. But smoothing groups and meshing is another story/

> 9. Flex Forces - > wind.. is this disabled for inflated sims? Doesn't do anything. Does it need an emitter gizmo, and if so, is that a spacewarp bind?

You can bind an external spacewarp, though the wind force should be working. Maybe it is too weak?

> 10. Depending on particle radius, mesh density, and inflation/stretch settings, my meshes turn "spiky" at the start of the sim (every other vert seems to jut out from the mesh). This is incredibly hard to dial in and remove while keeping characteristics I wish to retain during the sim.

I guess it is related to the earlier question. I wonder if its because of particles or meshing. Sample scene would be appreciated.

> 11. inflatables could definitely use features to preserve origina/target mesh shape, plasticity, etc. Doesn't seem to do anything in the flex settings as those are only for rigids from what I saw in the demo vids. I mention plasticity in reference to max cloth, BTW.

Right. Hmm, I'll see if this is possible.

> 12. Is there a particle "kill" object type that I missed? Some of my particles don't all make it into the collider object, and the ability to trim them while still being able to save a cache to disk would be excellent. (vert number changes seem to invalidate the caches)

You can kill particles using standard approach in PFlow. We have it in one of our tutorial videos.

> 13. Instancing a modifier across multiple mesh groups is great, but then you can't save individual caches. Are there flags to use in the filename so your first sim doesn't override the next object's? I thought I got this to work once, but ever since, it doesn't work. Also, is there any way to make the browse dialog remember your last folder? That was very annoying that it kept defaulting to the max-file save path.

Hmm good point. Maybe token inside the file name is a good approach. I will see about the browse dialog.

> 14. Is there a way to record the sim to a certain frame, change settings and continue, especially with caching to disk on? I am wasting tons of time redoing good frames because the record is faster and better than just turning the sim on and scrubbing frames. (for me).

Have you tried the capture initial state button for this?

> 15. What would control a mesh's twist factor? Stretch doesn't seem to do it, and bend is very touchy. I wanted to enable some torsion, but I couldn't get it without losing the other characteristics.

Not sure I understand this one, can you elaborate please?

> 16. Can you sim spline shapes and replace with meshes later via skinwrap or isntance swap? Is simming a spline quicker than an inflatable with 60ish polygons (x5000)? (think shredded cheese.. just a rectangle with some subdividions). The video showed what appeared to resemble the particles of an inflatable object instead of a softbody, but it seemed to work quickly.

Splines are simulated with auto-generated lattices per your settings with rigid constraints on them. It should be either as fast or faster than a mesh, depending on the mesh you use. Once simmed, you can always add skinwrap or something similar to drive your mesh. Though I'd probably still go with mesh simulation.

> 17. Density seems ignored for inflatable objects. How do I set mass? Not for buoyancy but for inflatable/inflatable collisions. Is that possible somewhere? Turning up the pressure balloons my meshes, and turning up the stretch resistance actually breaks my sim, yet when 3000 pieces of cheese are on top of others, they smash them. Curious the best route to take. I eventually slowed everything down and upped the samples which reduces the "cool" look of particles smashing into one another mid-flight. Best of both worlds is what I was after lol.

I think density is the only thing we have control over.

> 18. Is there a plan for post-sim refinement via secondary "settling" abilities, etc? Quick sims get me very very close, but the ability to have volume check for intersections after the initial sim and attempt to fix via different settings (perhaps more flexibility, etc) would be excellent. This is part of my "initial state" sort of question, I assume. Typically though, intersections are what they are. The fact that this plugin knows they are inflatable volumes, couldn't it detect it at rest and fix it? Just thinking out loud. Most sims would instantly view the last sim's end pose and explode because particles are too close, etc. It could be nice to turn off features and only care about others, etc.

Good idea, but we don't have any secondary tools to fix collision defects at the moment.

> 19. Is there an air-resistance or turbulence factor somewhere? Or can this be supplied in a non-pflow sim? Wind with a gizmo would solve this. I couldn't seem to get that to work.

Can you use drag spacewarp for this?

> 20. The ability to have sim groups with their own settings such as start time, gravity amount, collisions on/off and at what time, etc. would be great. Because of the size of the scene bounds, I had to have overlapping meshes that started at different times to get enough cheese in the bag (because of the pflow issues I had). This worked great with the start time, except the initial ease-in of the gravity's effect meant there was a big gap between chunks in the sim. This creates a visible area in the result. If I started the second sim set earlier, they crashed through the previous elements still "falling." Can you set the forces to already have a pre-roll but not allow these "groups" to interact until a specified time? Since Lucid appears to have one global sim system, I couldn't figure this out. Self-collisions was not animatable.

Do you mean sim groups like presets, applying to the same objects but with different parameters? Not sure I understand this request fully.

> 21. On that note, could there be an ability to check for collisions with other sim elements but not itself? I know self-collisions can be costly. Also, I had many meshes "flip" an edge inward even with this checkbox on and a ton of sub-steps. Seemed to not work entirely. Perhaps inflatable-elements (made up of however many particles per mesh-element) not check within themselves? Does this exist?

Cloth and inflatable have the "Use Self Collision" checkbox, do you mean this?

> 22. Could the globals be a floating interface like PFlow or other scripts? Switching back and forth was rather time consuming when all was said and done.

That would be hard to implement. We're trying to conform to 3dsmax UI standards and that's how it wants things to be laid out.

> 23. I eventually had 6 main objects with many mesh "cheese" elements within each that resembled the 6 different shape instances and material variations that I had in my initial particle setup. Instancing these modifiers across the 6 objects wasn't an option due to the caching, so I eventually ended up using the wire parameters to unify the 3 settings I kept adjusting. Maybe an internal solution for this? There are many maxscripts that handle multiple modifiers' settings at once, like VMC and Zorb. It would be nice to have sections of different modifiers be linkable. This is a long-standing max issue, but any internal fixes you can add are appreciated.

I suppose ability to save unique cached from instanced modifiers would fix this problem.

> 24. At some point using the shelf icons to add objects to my sim setup, I ended up getting an error (maxscript) that the flex settings node was not the correct name or something to that effect. Is it possible to just "reset" the globals and wipe out everything but maybe save presets first? Screenshotting my panels was my solution when max decided to shit the bed and needed a reboot.

I think you can already save a preset, I need to check.

> 25. Sub-steps up to 99 worked fine, but when I went over 100, the first meshes in my objects would not respect gravity and required the rest of the cheese to "land" on them floating in the air in order for them to move. Sub-steps over 100 was just me testing the inner-penetration issues, and I eventually ended up with much lower numbers and more stable sims, but that seemed like a bug. Are there min/max values for inputs other than the solid rest % that maybe aren't locked like they should be?

Too many sub-steps can be problematic as well because it makes time delta super small and can cause precision problems. There's usually a golden locks area for substeps and iterations depending on your simulation requirements. We tried not to restrict options that don't need to be restricted.

> 26. Can the globals/modifier menu be context sensitive to only show features that are applicable to the active sim state? Quick toggles for other global functions like.. setting all X type objects to inactive, etc. That could be useful.

Thanks for the suggestion.

> 27. Don't turn a sim element's "active" checkbox on mid-sim.. it doesn't like that. ;p More specifically, I set the "start frame" time to 5 frames ahead of the current frame when I clicked active. It was worth a shot. ;p

Ok, something which needs to be fixed in the UI I think.

> 28. Viewport hints like perhaps object coloration for settings to know when you're in the right ballpark? For instance.. Dissipation. I have no idea what a good value would be without numerous sims guessing. Can previous sims store "average" data from the particles to aid in these adjustments? It would be good to know that at a certain frame 90% of the particles are at X value for instance. Just a thought. Similar to how houdini can show vertex velocity "streamers" it could be cool to have that option as check-boxes on some of the globals. Perhaps this is all just a units-mismatch confusion issue that I had.

I'll need to see how Houdini does this. Interesting idea.

> 29. This is another "more documentation" type thing but.. what is Near shapes, %? Any way to get a bounding box or something like a temp-particle display while dragging the slider (see above)?

This controls collision detection of particles near collision meshes. The % part is referring to the percentage of particle radius that the particle will try to keep away from any meshes in the scene.

> 30. Are multi-GPU systems helpful at all for speed? Obviously memory-wise they are limited by whatever is on one card, but could an SLI system help?

Nvidia FleX only uses a single GPU since it cannot share memory between GPUs, so having multiple GPUs will not speed things up.

> 31. Would having multiple resolutions of your meshes, used for specific parts of the sim, help at all? If I understand correctly, this is sort of what particles+clusters does, right? At Scanlne, every asset got a convex hull for sim purposes, but some elements were refined with additional res meshes. I am unsure if this is possible in a one-step sim engine like this.

If you're using convex meshes the convex segmentation happens automatically but can really be improved if you have a proper mesh with few holes. Having clean simulation-friendly meshes is always a good idea in general. Fewer faces with static collision object meshes will mean faster performance. With SDF it doesn't matter as much I think.

> 32. Do the tether settings affect inflatable sims at all?

Yes, inflatable and cloth collision types are very similar so tether should apply to both.

> 33. inflatable particles should have the ability to show their linked neighbors, etc. I realized one of my meshes had an issue when I tried switching to a softbody with small particles. There were "trails" of particles as if I had an edge connecting two of my mesh elements (top to bottom of my object.. was very strange). I didn't realize that was my problem until I tried that and saw the phantom particles, which I assume were also causing the inflatable setup issues, because once I scrubbed the geo and re-imported it, those issues went away. (see attached screen) I can confirm there was nothing connecting the meshes, and the vertex order was rebuilt with the same result.

Ok, so you propose we display not just particles but also connections between them, right? I think it is a good idea.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I am going to digest this all very soon ad try the mentioned issues, package up some files, and figure out what all is on my end.

Is there a way to swap machines that have the license on the fly?  Now that I won't be at work all weekend, I would still like to test this all out.


Just wanted to chime in here and say that I have been doing more sims left and right with this, and while I am having a lot of success, I am also running into serious issues still.

I will have to take some time to go through all of the big issues, but one right now that's really really annoying is:

- Instanced lucid modifier across many objects (say.. cloth?) - store cache

^ works fine...

but save that cache to a file.. you are SCREWED.  upon opening the file, pure mayhem.. really really screwed me today.


Grouping the objects and trying to minimize the annoyance of saving tons of cache files BY HAND.. well.. even after spending the time to do that.. it actually sims totally differently.  :/  Very very wonky results here.

Thanks for chiming in. I suppose this is the same cache problem you mentioned earlier? I'll have a look at it.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Yeah, what really confused me was how it sims completely differently if I attached the objects, say, by material ID or something.  They aren't too close to one another or anything, but it definitely treated the sim completely differently.  

Marsel, do you think it'd be possible to add a button to flush the CUDA cache?  I think this is what is happening to this scene.  I am just trying to dial in initial settings, and I can show the inflated object's particle size ONCE, then if I try again they disappear and I get this in the stats (usually followed by a max crash).

Attached Files:

>errorGPU.JPG (9422 bytes),

this is another scene that I am also using lucid on.  This was the one last night that caused the cache issues.  I am simming garment maker meshes that these pieces of deli meat are skinwrapped to.  The sim runs great when each piece of meat is separate, but when I combine the 4 types of materials, the sim changed drastically and the first and second slices ended up sticking together.  I am checking with work to see if I can get you the scenes.

Just download instead of streaming with that lame compressed youtube player.  Using soft selection and an animated box/volume select to allow the meat to be "sliced" off in series.  WIP

The current sim issue with the gpu stats is a bunch of bacon bits in a bag.  

BTW the reason I bring up the GPU cache is because I have two installed on this machine and if I switch GPUs after this happens, the particles come back.

I got a chance to copy the error on one of these sim files when I open the file:


File: ChunkStreams.cpp
Line: 486
Function: Ephere::ChunkInputStreamStl::InputChunkStl::Read
Expression: Assert failed: ChunkSize( currentPositon ) + length <= size_

 then the next one:

File: ChunkStreams.cpp
Line: 444
Function: Ephere::ChunkInputStreamStl::InputChunkStl::IsAtEnd
Expression: Assert failed: position <= size

and then:

File: Private\WorldGeometry.cpp
Line: 344
Function: Ephere::Plugins::Lucid::WorldGeometry::ValidateOutputGeometry
Expression: Assert failed: outputGeometry_.get() != nullptr

after that:

File: Private\RecordDlgProcUser.cpp
Line: 192
Function: Ephere::Plugins::Autodesk::Max::Lucid::RecordDlgProcUser::LoadRecordedDataFromDisk
Expression: Assert failed: persister->Load( *worldGeometry, recordedFilePath.c_str() )


File: ChunkStreams.cpp
Line: 614
Function: Ephere::ChunkInputStreamStl::CurrentPosition
Expression: Assert failed: current >= startPosition_

I usually give in at this point, but for the sake of helping out.. :)  :

File: ChunkStreams.cpp
Line: 471
Function: Ephere::ChunkInputStreamStl::InputChunkStl::CurrentPosition
Expression: Assert failed: current >= startPosition_


That's it on this file.  This file also commonly resets my flex settings to default once I click on the shortcut in the toolbar to get to it.

Hi Justin,

Thank you again for the write up. We're currently in a bit of a flux with migrating to FleX 1.1. Once that is sorted we'll look into addressing these issues.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)