Hello forum !
can i ask you guys wether the new direc 3d library allow amd cards to work with lucid ?
am new ti lucid physcs, so any ideas might help Thank you !
Yes it should work on AMD cards. We did not test it directly on AMD cards, but it does work on cards without CUDA.
Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)
I assume you switched to Direct 3d mode in global settings?
yes exactly and am using max 2018. i got the same error in max 2016 too !
edit see attach image.
Hello sir anynews on a fix , i hope things will be okay because this plugins will be epic, thaks guys alot for extending this to users who have low end hardward.
i cant believe this sir now it works with the new installer.
i was reading the other sections thanks alot sir.