Changing states - liquid to soft bodies

Posted by:SteveDGreen
Data created:9 July 2017


I'm sure I've seen before demos where a lucid modifier can change from fluid to rubber - however when I try that now I get a crash when the sim reaches the key when the state changes.

(using a step key from water to soft body)

Does it not work now, or was I mistaken in thinking it was something that could be done.



Hi Steve,

I'm able to reproduce the crash, I'll investigate it. Thank you for the report, I'll keep you posted. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis,

great, thanks!

- Steve

Hi Steve,

This bug has been fixed in build 11716, will be online in a few hours. Please give it a try. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Great, thank you!


I tried the latest nightly 11617 and it no longer crashes, but the particles reset to the shape of the original source rather than their position at that point in the sim?

Not sure if my settings are wrong, but just trying to replicate the effect you have in the demo video at around 31 secs.

Hey Steven,

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't saw this message before. It seems like the "switching" it's not working well with all the combinations of body types. We are looking into it right now. I'll keep you posted.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Great, thanks!


is there any update on this - tried the latest release (not the nightlies) and it still does the reset to original shape.

Considering it's a feature in the video, it's been not working for a long time.

