any idea on how to solve this? even with sub-steps at 300 and iterations at 20-50 problem persists.
Hello. Do you have a sample scene we can take a look at?
Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)
yes, but i cant post it here, its nsfw
can i send the download link to your email?
Sure, marsel.khadiyev (at) ephere.com
did you get my email?
Maybe Marsel is a little bit busy, please send the sample scene to my email if you can: Jeordanis.f(at)ephere.com.
Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)
Fixed by setting Relax Factor to 0
Still have one problem, cant make cloth settings behave like Leather, all stifness maxed