Thank you for the write up, Greg. I hope as the process moves forward it will become more apparent of what Lucid is capable of and our intentions for it. Your notes do hit very close to our immediate plans.
- "Soft falloff selection locks would be a huge plus!" - Could you please elaborate on this? Isn't a point either part of simulation or not? If so, how can it have a soft lock?
- Can you explain a bit about Constraints too? I am not sure I understand how one would constrain a simulated cloth object to an animated mesh, for example. I thought this is what vertex/edge/face locking is for?
- This one is definitely in the plans along with "terminator" objects and perhaps even some custom way of specifying emmiters and particle life time. I do not understand what you mean by Fill Object, however.
- Collisions between Lucid objects are possible at the moment but one needs to increase the number of vertices so that there are more particles generated for each object. One of our plans to address this is to add a way to automatically populate particles on surface without having to modify vertex count. Flex 0.9 also introduced new soft body object type so we will also explore that.
It would be great to get more info in these. They are all doable, however, it would be helpful to prioritirize these features to bring you the most useful ones first.
Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)