
Title:Escape Simulation
Posted By:TAT Studio ( )
Date Created:22 October 2015



Just wanted to ask for a ESC button support, to cancel whatever current calculation.

I think this is very important, especially when we are debugging or trying values. 

Sometimes simulation goes very long or crash and and escape solution would be great.



Thanks !

Follow Ups

Yes, I agree. I wanted to plan this too.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Just adding support for this request. It's usually easy to cancel a Sim by pressing the record button. But it would be great to have ESC key support.

Michael Wentworth-Bell


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GTX 780 6GB
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Windows 7 Pro
3ds Max 2016 EXT2


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I think what needs support as well is ability to cancel voxelization which can usually stall Max and require a hard exit. This could happen if too many particles are generated, for example.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)