
Title:Point Cache support
Posted By:rogerteddy ( Roger Sparwasser )
Date Created:26 November 2015

Hi what about Point Cache support?





Follow Ups

Aren't you already able to add point cache modifier and record the mesh animation through another modifier?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I found that tearing cloth is a tough one for this, I assume since it breaks the polygons and creates new points, the point cache doesn't work. 

The main reason I'd want something like this is to be able to do a different simulation, so the tearing cloth is done, then lock it down and do a new sim with other objects. Maybe this is possible some other way?

Yes, uncheck the "Active" button in the modifier once you record it

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

How did you point cache the sim? I get: "The current file contains no deformation". Hoping to get the sim into Unity 5.4.

Are you point caching a mesh? If it was simulated then, inside PC modifier you just use the New... option and then Record.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Not working for me on a liquid sim. It says "The current file contains no deformation..."

Not working for me on a liquid sim. It says "The current file contains no deformation..."
Same for me. Talking about point caching simulated liquid generated from a mesh. Is it at all possible to cache out such liquid particles as particles at all? I mean I can cache PFlow particle sim as Alembic perfectly fine, but I never succeeded when trying to cache particles generated from a mesh. I guess I could cache it into Krakotoa-compatible cache using Lucid caching toolset, then load particles into Krakotoa and then export to alembic, but surely there has to be a better way to do this?