
Title:Group of two or more simulated objects creates a unify multi material object.
Posted By:Sie ( Sie Gal )
Date Created:1 December 2015

Some process on which multi properties object can be created, with the use of subobject, or simple as grouping two objects or more.

Thank you

Follow Ups

Can you please elaborate on this? Are you looking for a way for half an object to be liquid and another half to be solid, for example?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

That might be extreme situation of having liquids and rigid objects join together. Maybe if an object contain liquid inside it, like a close bottle of wine , and you want to make sure the liquids will not spill no matter what happens.

I thought more about muti properties devide in one object, like a hammer for example, with a wood handle, and steel head, which can be define in a sub object mode, or just by making them as a group, two separate objects in max group. This mean that the system will respect the fact that the two elements are joined together, but affected differently by the simulation. 


You can use our attachment object for that. It will attach multiple geometries together, right now only through a spherical volume though:

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thank you for your replay,

The spherical helper looks very useful, and I wonder about something for more common use, where an object is dealt with as a hole, with no concerns about center of gravity, elements colliding and go through each other. Just simple combining of multiple elements that will be simulated as one, of using sub object to give different elements/faces/vertices, a different attributes. If it is used as a sub object, a selection fall off, can be nice.