
Title:Instance Mesh for Lucid Fluid Objects
Posted By:michaelwbell ( Michael Wentworth-Bell )
Date Created:16 December 2015

Hi Marsel!

Low priority request. 

I absolutely love the ability to use Lucid with Particle Flow, so many possibilities. Just being able to simulate a 'fluid' with thousands of particles and then instance any mesh per particle is fantastic. 

Do you think it is possible to add this functionality to the standard Lucid Fluid object?

With the standard fluid workflow, user creates a mesh (sphere), adds the lucid modifier and selects the fluid preset and then simulates the scene. 

Each particle is shown as a capsule. It would be great in the 'Meshing Options' on the modifier panel to be able to select a mesh. 

The only reason I am asking is for cases where a user may not want to use Particle flow in their scene. 


Follow Ups

Sounds doable, however, what are some practical applications for displaying each fluid particle as a specific mesh?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I think it would be great for offering users flexibility.

I sent an example video a while back - a truck which has it's back tray full of diamonds. It has to tip up it's tray and the diamonds fall down a cliff-face. I have tried this setup with Pflow+Lucid fluid or lucid geo, and also tried it with a box and applying the lucid fluid modifier. 
I find the box + modifier workflow has been quicker at setting up the scene. the particles are generated immediately. they come to a rest. The user can set an initial state. Do a sim (it's so incredibly fast to simulate 10,000 particles), and then save out the cache. 

In the case above Pflow was not needed, however now I want each particle to display a diamond mesh instead of the default capsule, and i cant do that using the normal modifier. 


Michael Wentworth-Bell


Test system for Lucid:
GTX 780 6GB
32GB Ram
Windows 7 Pro
3ds Max 2016 EXT2


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Understood, thank you for the clarification.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hi again Marsel,


Do you think there's any chance this will make it in the Lucid 1.0 Release?

Michael Wentworth-Bell


Test system for Lucid:
GTX 780 6GB
32GB Ram
Windows 7 Pro
3ds Max 2016 EXT2


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