
Title:Export PRT Sequence with orientation
Posted By:puznowski ( Lee Puznowski )
Date Created:2 March 2016

Exporting a PRT sequence with orientation for all particles. This would allow Krakatoa to use this for proper particle positioning.

Follow Ups

Since particles in Lucid don't have a rigid frame they don't have an orientation per-se. Velocity vector can be used to create an orientation but particles themselves cannot rotate, they are point entities.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Ok, maybe just some confusion in terminology? Rendering particles from Pflow out of 3dsmax with Krakatoa allows for both/either orientation and/or velocity. This then respects the actual rotation of each particle when loading in a PRT Loader through Krakatoa. I just noticed this when importing a PRT sequence saved out from Lucid, that the particles meshed through Frost all have the same orientation. With an orientation channel, Frost can position all particles more naturally.

Yes, particles in PFlow do have an orientation channel. Essentially, each particle has its own transform. This allows for things like rigid body simulations on the particles. In Lucid this concept gets lots, however, because Lucid particles do not have a rigid body transform, they are merely points in space. As I mentioned, I can add an orientation by tracing their path so their velocity would determine their rotation. I don't know if that would meet your requirement, however.

What does having an orientation bring in Krakatoa? What are you using the orientation for?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I've simulated sugar particles with lucid and exported these as a PRT sequence. Then imported the PRT with Krakatoa into 3dsmax. When I mesh these with Frost, I need only to use a simple box as the geometry (ie. small grains of sugar), but the orientation is the same for all particles which makes them too uniform.

Is there, perhaps, a way to randomize the orientation either before exporting inside PFlow, or inside Krakatoa after importing?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)