Title: | Volumetric Shader |
Category: | Workflow |
Status: | Considered |
Priority: | |
Posted By: | shawnolson ( Shawn Olson ) |
Date Created: | 15 March 2016 |
Description: | I would like to have a volumetric shader that comes with Lucid that can render in the Default Scanline Renderer and MR and previews quickly with Nitrous. It would be really nice to be able to use this shader for these kinds of things: Google Images: mixing liquids: https://www.google.com/search?q=mixing+liquids&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiKht_i8sLLAhVE8CYKHQzUCvsQ_AUIBygB&biw=1920&bih=1024 |
15 March 2016
#7928 | ||
Looks like this can be done with meshed particles, as long as the mixing isn't expected to produce new homogenous fluid. Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.) | ||
16 March 2016
#7941 | ||
"as long as the mixing isn't expected to produce new homogenous fluid" Well there's the catch :) I'm going to investigate some options with tools I already have. Do you have any good docs/samples on rendering mixing fluids with Scanline renderer, especially with default Max shaders?
Max & Maya USD Product Owner @ Autodesk Developer of Wall Worm
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18 March 2016
#7955 | ||
Its not working with Scanline, but you can use http://www.openvdb.org/ Vray and Octane is supported. So as Mersel said Lucid is already supporting Open VDB, so export the Lucid animation as OpenVDB and render it out as a Vray Grid opject, or wait and use Octane3. You can also use http://www.3delight.com/ which is free for 3ds max if limited to 8 cores. Kindly
rog | ||
18 March 2016
#7957 | ||
One other option is to export as prt and render in Krakatoa. Lucid does use OpenVDB internally for meshing, however, it doesn't export vdb files. Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.) | ||
18 March 2016
#7961 | ||
Not owning Vray, Octane or Krakatoa, these options are currently outside my ballpark. I have been eyeing Krakatoa for years now, but most of my work is low poly and game asset related, so I've not had a commercial need. But I've got a long-term personal project going that could benefit (for which I acquired Lucid). But Krakatoa's pricing model is so disastrous for a freelancer... $1000 per seat and $500 just for one render node. I don't expect a shader to come to lucid for this, but it sure would be nice! :) I'll give a look at 3delight.
Max & Maya USD Product Owner @ Autodesk Developer of Wall Worm
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19 March 2016
#7968 | ||
Hi Marsel,
wouldnt it be usefull to be able to export vdb files in LUCID?
Must be an easy task to have?!
Kindly Roger |