
Title:Mesh to keep original shape
Posted By:coilbook ( )
Date Created:1 April 2016

can mesh be kept the same when it turn to liquid inflated etc.  let's say I take  max teapot and turn it to liquid. Can teapot slowly turn from its shape to lucid teapot mesh.  Or keeps its shape and turns to liquid.  We have some characters we want to turn to liquid unfortunately they take lucid mesh look that looks different from original mesh.  Hopefully I explained ok. 

Follow Ups

I am not sure I totally understabd, By liquid mesh you mean meshed particles? Don't they immediately lose their shape due to being a liquid right away though? Or maybe you want to smoothly morph from initial shape into meshed particles shape and then dissolve them? I suppose topology projection + morpher can do that for you.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

HI Yes this is what we need  "Or maybe you want to smoothly morph from initial shape into meshed particles shape and then dissolve them" Lucid mesh distorts original mesh I attached the image     Thanks

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Image 1

would be nice to have an option FORCE ORIGINAL SIZE/SHAPE .  It does not matter how mesh topology looks like as long as lucid mesh would not swell up but not sure if it is possible unless resolution is very high

It swells up because of particle size. The mesh no longer exists, only particles which are meshed using metaballs. You can't keep the initial shape exactly if you want it to start dissolving.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

If you have genome, after your happy with your simulation you can confrom your liquid mesh to your original teapot.