Title: | Lucid soft body animation dosn't work as set up and flex modifier crashes 3DS max software |
Category: | Crash/Critical |
Status: | Confirmed |
Posted By: | Johnkingtillotson@gmail.com ( John Tillotson ) |
Date Created: | 8 January 2020 |
Title: | Lucid soft body animation dosn't work as set up and flex modifier crashes 3DS max software |
Category: | Crash/Critical |
Status: | Confirmed |
Posted By: | Johnkingtillotson@gmail.com ( John Tillotson ) |
Date Created: | 8 January 2020 |
Description: | Basically, unreliable performance from soft body animation, connect objects not holding, but really the software basicallyh does not function as indicated over a wide range of appllications. Whenver I make a change in the Flex modifier 3DS max 2017 crashes. |
Steps to Reproduce: |