
Title:Freeze, delays in Redshift 13.0.16 IPR due to Ornatrix.
Posted By:Rectro ( Daniel Ripley )
Date Created:19 February 2020





Im using the latest Demo of Ornatrix, is there a beta still as it would be easier to test things?


I came across an issue regarding Redshift 13.0.16 where the IPR will not render a progressive until the IPR window is moved.  I was told by Redshift that its a Ornatrix issue so I removed it.  The issue went away and I found the IPR to be more responsive and faster to react to starting and stopping a render.

Here is a video

Here is the Redshift thread, hope this helps.

Steps to Reproduce:

Watch Video:

Hi Daniel,

Can you send me this scene for debugging? 

The public beta ended when the official version was released. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Daniel, If the Redshift devs are rigth and this is related to Ox and QT, we are already working on this, see this post:

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

hank you.  I was concerned as Redshift is my primary render engine and I was about to purchase Ornatrix so this compatibility issue is very important.

Regarding a scene, its not scene dependent, its the case of opening Redshift Renderview and the issues show right away.  I documented this in this video.  Since removing the demo Redshift is rock solid, not had a single crash or freeze in last few days, where as before I was restarting C4D several times a day.




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Hi Daniel,

This issue is not trivial and it will take us some time to resolve it and release a new stable version. Given that we only update the Demo version when we release a new stable version, you won't be able to try the intermediate fixes and improvements that we make and publish in the nightly (commercial) builds. We have already made one such improvement that you can't see in the Demo.

But, while investigating this I found out that the order in which C4D loads the Ornatrix and Redshift plugins makes a difference in Redshift's behavior. When Redshift is loaded first, it works better (though still not without problems). It turns out C4D loads plugins in alphabetical order of the name of the plugin's .xdl64 file, so normally Ornatrix.xdl64 always gets loaded before redshift4c4d.xdl64. But if Ornatrix.xdl64 is renamed to z_Ornatrix.xdl64, it will be loaded after Redshift.

If you want, you may give this hack a try with the Demo of Ornatrix, and tell us if it makes any difference for you.

Ivan Kolev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

E-mail: ivan.kolev at ephere dot com

Discord: ikolev