
Title:Problem with selection and guide visualization
Posted By:andresfeho ( Andres Hernandez )
Date Created:16 May 2022



I don't what's going on with the latest versions of Ornatrix but currently I can't see the guides in wireframe mode (it doesn't display anything) and if I select a guide it won't display anything that let me know which strand is selected, in my opinion something seems to be seriously broken with the viewport draw. Currently is quite complicated to work (almost impossible) with the tool in this state. 

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Add an sphere to the scene
  2. Add the ornatrix fur preset
  3. in the edit guides, select any guide
  4. The guide won't have any color or outline displaying in the viewport
  5. Switch to wireframe (F4)
  6. Nothing from ornatrix will be visible in the viewport. 

Attached Files:

>viewport_issues.JPG (158944 bytes),


I Tried with the latest nightly build on Max 2020 and 2022 and it seems to work fine:

In Ornatrix settings, Viewport Rendering Mode should be set as Optimized Mesh. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

This is what happening to me.

Attached Files:
Image 1

Is it worth asking, did you try the latest nightly build? It could also be a driver issue. Try updating your graphics driver.  

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis,
I tried what you suggested. I downloaded the latest nvidia drivers but I couldn't find the nightly build in my download area so I installed the latest stable version I found but without any luck, the result is the same.
I've uploaded some screenshots. In the last one you can see that picking the strands work at least for the tip of the strand but with the root there is no visual feedback at all :/

Attached Files:

>Capture.JPG (32310 bytes), >Capture_2.JPG (113491 bytes), >Capture_3.JPG (124611 bytes),

One more thing... I tried the exact same version but for 3ds Max 2022 and it works as expected, I'm attaching an screenshot. I'm wondering what might be wrong then with Max 2023

Attached Files:

>Max_2022.JPG (121238 bytes),

Thank you for the detail about MAx 2022. I will investigate this again and get back to you asap. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Turns out this was reported already by someone else. This is a bug in Max's viewport line display .

So this is an Autodesk issue but we are trying to find a workaround. For now try setting Guide Width to 1.0 in Edit Guide. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Turns out this was reported already by someone else. This is a bug in Max's viewport line display .

So this is an Autodesk issue but we are trying to find a workaroun. For now try setting tGuide Wodth to 1.0 in Edit Guide. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thank you for the update Jeordanis. I set it to 1.0 and now I can see what I'm picking, so I can work with it for now. Thanks again :)