
Title:Problem when applying animated texture to 'Distribution Map' in 'OX Hair from Guides'.
Posted By:agphd ( Alex George )
Date Created:23 January 2023



For my current project, I am trying to create an animation in which the number of hairs in 'OX Hair from Guides' is reduced according to the change in texture. Here is a screen capture showing serious problems in testing for it. In the 'OX Hair from Guides' command, a rotating 'Checker' texture was applied to the 'Distribution Map'.
In the picture below, the left side is 7 frames and the right side is 8 frames. There is little change in the white area, but the change in the hair is significant. There should be no change in the hair in the pure white area, but when tested, the hair randomly disappears, appears, or moves, causing severe changes. is this a bug? Is there any way to solve this problem?

Steps to Reproduce:

Attached Files:
Image 1
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