
Title:ornatrix crashing maya on extreme deformation ( wings unfolding )
Posted ( matt pidgeon )
Date Created:26 May 2023



I have a cartoony bird that unfolds it's wings. At some point this becomes unstable. It wont render past a certain frame. I'm also finding that if I navigate past a certain frame then it hard crashes maya. This happens whether the ornatrix is visible or not. 

I've tried baking the stack and reducing the number of hairs per strand from 50K to 20K but nothing is working.

I'm using Ornatrix with Maya 2020.

Steps to Reproduce:

I'm shared the scene file. Navigation to frame 19 should hard crash Maya. 

Does this error message help narrow down the problem at all?
// Error: Ornatrix: [|gull_rig_06_001:GEO|gull_rig_06_001:Gull_GEO|gull_rig_06_001:feathers_011|gull_rig_06_001:EditGuides1] Assert failed (9): firstIndex + count <= Size( vertices ) //

Perhaps you forgot to upload the file, I can't find it here. 
You can also share it to me privately on our Discord channel.

Another thing to note is that Maya 2020 vanilla is not well supported. 
You would have to upgrade to at least 2020.1. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)