
Title:Copying an Ornatrix Object causes a crash
Posted By:lefthandedhero ( )
Date Created:8 February 2013



I was wondering if I could copy and paste an object with Ornatrix modifiers so that I wouldn't have to add them all again. But when I copy an object with those modifiers, every time it is causing Max to crash. Likewise, copying just Ornatrix modifiers from one object to another also causes a crash.

I am using Max 2012, VRay 2.20.03 and the Ornatrix demo

Is this a known issue that has been solved in a later version or is there a known work around for it?

Steps to Reproduce:

-Create object

-Add several Ornatrix modifiers

-Copy object with Ornatrix modifiers or copy the Ornatrix modifiers themselves to another object.

To clarify, my exact modifier stack from top to bottom is:


-Ox Render Settings

-Ox Strand Curling

-Ox Strand Clustering

-Ox Strand Frizz

-Ox Hair from Guides

-Ox Edit Guides

-Ox Guides from Surface



This should work AOK I copy hair objects and modifers often. Could you provide a simple scene that if you copy that object you get a crash please?


Michael McCarthy

Hey Michael,

I just tried again with a fresh scene on a simple sphere and it once again caused a crash.

Ordinarily I cannot save with the demo, however when Max crashes it asks me if I want to try to save the scene. While it does give me a saved scene, the modifiers don't do anything anymore in the "Recovered" scene.

I am attaching a screenshot of the crash as well as the "recovered" file.

If the problem is not immediately reproducable, I am using Max 2012 (Product Update 12) and Ornatrix Demo

Attached Files:
Image 1
>Untitled_recover.max (180224 bytes),

I've just tried this locally on Ornatrix 2.2 and everything seems to work fine. I have a stack with numerous modifiers incuding clustering, curling, and edit guides. I can copy the whole hair with another node. I can also copy and paste all of the modifiers on another node.

Have you tried downloading a more recent demo (2.2)? It could be a demo version limitation, I will have to test with it.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I thought about that. Tomorrow I'll uninstall 1.8 and try the same in 2.2.

I just did another test, testing the copying after every modifier addition to try to narrow down what the breaking point is. Everything works fine UNTIL VRayOrnatrixMod. I am able to reproduce the crash every time with that modifier.

> Add VRayOrnatrixMod to object.

> Copy object with VRayOrnatrixMod.

> Program crashes.

It is a bug I would like to see fixed, but at the least I can copy an object without that modifier and then add it to any objects that need it before rendering in VRay.

Update: This bug is reproduceable in both Ornatrix Demo and for Max 2012 64-Bit

Roger that, I was able to reproduce it here. I contacted Vlado, hopefully they will be able to resolve it shortly.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Oh yeah, the VRay guy :) Excellent. Glad I could help.