
Title:Ground Strands doesn't deform hair properly
Posted By:davidholmedal ( David Holmedal )
Date Created:16 May 2014



After alot of testing I can't get the ground strands modifier to behave as expected.

The problem arises when the geometry deforms, the hairs follow but do not rotate properly with the mesh.



Steps to Reproduce:

Using ornatrix


Open attached scene or:


1. create a plane (Plane001) with a skinmodifer and two bones.

2. copy the plane (Plane002) and add "Oxguides from surface", "ox_surface_comb", "Ox_symmetry" and then "Ox_ground_strands"

3. turn off skin in Plane002. (Ground strands modifier should drive the motion. Or you cold use "ox_guides_fromShape" = no underlying basemesh)

4. surface comb the hairs along the surface so their direction is clearly visible

5. Ground the strands to the original plane

6. animate one bone rotating and observe that the strands follow position but not direction


Possible causes


m = $.modifiers[#ox_ground_strands]


...And observe that rootmatrix list is empty. After checking with an older project that works, this list is not empty. Is this a hint at the underlying problem?



Here is a newer maxfile with ox_guides_from_shape example aswell

Attached Files:

>Ox_TestProblem_v004.max (1146880 bytes),

Thank you for sending all the information and files. This is a known issue and it happens due to the fact that strands are being grounded to the mesh in terms of position and do not preserve orientation. I will investigate this again and let you know how it goes.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

This should be fixed in the next V3 beta build.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)