
Title:Smooth Brush not Working as Expected
Posted By:baothebuff ( )
Date Created:4 October 2014



I was testing the new 3.0 smooth brush and it is giving me strange results.  I simply created a plane, added some hair to it, then use the comb brush to quickly add some zigzags alone the hair length.  After using the smooth brush, the zigzag in the hair was not smooth, but the brush introduced MORE waviness and artifacts.  It also appears to be pulling hair strand verts down towards the root?  

What I was expecting this brush to do was: a) smooth out kinks along the individual hair length without changing the overall form, and b) in a larger sense, average out the direction and flow of the hair amongst it's neighbors so that you can get rid of hair crisscrossing each other. 

So with this, you can quickly sculpt the hair with the comb brush and then smooth out some of the lumps and bumps afterwards and have nice flowing hair.  

I was going to update to 3.0 but I had to test this out before doing so as I feel it is one of the things I will use the most in the new version.  



Steps to Reproduce:

Thank you for the report, Tom. The smooth brush currently generates a spline curve from the incoming strands which is an approximation of said strand. The brush then moves the strand towards the spline as you brush. Once you let go and click again it ill generate the spline again.

So I suspect the generated approximation spline is not having a smooth enough shape. I will review this for one of the near future builds.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks for the quick reply.  From the way it looks, I suspect it's more a problem with how it's moving the strands towards the splines.  The hair strand verticies seems to be bunching at the root and become more separated at the tip.  On a related note, is it also possible to some how average out the splines with their neighbors so that they become more parallel to each other so that you don't get hairs crisscrossing each other?