
Title:Strand detail - 3ds max + Octane render crash
Posted By:Tarelkin ( Maksim Loginov )
Date Created:4 October 2015



3ds max 2014 and 2016.

Using "OX Strand Detail" Render value more than 100 (for example 150) crash 3ds max when rendering with Octane Render. With MentalRay is ok.

Steps to Reproduce:

Attached Files:
Image 1

Thank you for the report. Does it happen in any scene or a specific scene which you are workig on?

If you create a blank file and have a couple of strands with 150 segments per strand, does the crash still happen?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hello Marsel. Yes, It crash for blabk file too.

1) Make sphere

2) use OX QuickHair

3) Add OxStrandDetail modifier

4) Check UseRenderValue and put 150.

5) Render with Octane.

Windows 10, 3dMax 204 and 2016.



One time when MAX crash, i got this DEBUG window. And when I click CONTINUE it fixed and MAX render. But it works only once.

Attached Files:
Image 1