
Title:License appears regularly causing Maya 2016 crash
Posted By:PatColeman ( Pat Coleman )
Date Created:2 December 2015



I haven't had a  chance to try Ornatrix yet. That will hapeen in a week or two, after I finish up my current projects.

I'm using Maya 2016 SP4 on OS X. Every second or third start of Maya causes the license to pop up and crash Maya. I never see the license until I force-quit Maya 2016.



Steps to Reproduce:

Hi Pat,

Does it work OK the other times when it doesn't crash? After you force quit Maya, you see the license dialog then? What happens if you authorize it at that point?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

The other times, it works just fine :-). I'd say it invisibly shows up after 3rd to 5th launch of Maya. Then it becomes visible only when I have to force-quit Maya. If Maya hangs on launching, I know it's the license authorizer. I hope that helps.

Thanks for the description. So these times when it hangs on start and you close Maya the licensing dialog appears and stays open? Does it show that it is unable to connect to a license server or something similar?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

It remains open until I click validate or connect button. Then it closes. Then I can restart Maya.