
Title:Hair disappearing in scene
Posted By:ginaburgess ( Gina Burgess )
Date Created:23 February 2016



Hair objects seem to completely disappear (visibly) from scene. This goes away once you go into the layers grab the object, go down to edit splines and then go back to the top of the stack. PEBCAK?


Steps to Reproduce:

Max 2014 

Ornatrix 3. something at work and having trouble finding out version.

Things just randomly disappear.

Sounds like it could be something to do with video driver. Does this happen on hair, guides, or both?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I have only noticed it on objects once the hair from guides modifier has been applied. I know our dirvers are up to date, but it might be a wonky card... I will check into that

Indeed, would be great to see if we can reproduce it here somehow. Everything seems to work as expected but I can only test on 2012 and 2016.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)