
Title:Hair mesh flow direction screwed up after latest update
Posted By:Booska ( John Brophy )
Date Created:15 March 2016



I've been working on a figure for a while and had completed the hair a couple of weeks ago. Now after installing the recent upgrade ( the direction of the hairs on my hair meshes have been all messed up. This is a complicated hair style and I've been spending most of the day tracking down the individual arrow icons and rotating them back into place... and I'm still not finished. So frustrating to have to redo work like this!

This random redirection happened quite a lot while I was initially designing it. But once it was completed it pretty much kept the correct flow. However, every now and then after opening a previously saved iteration a few of the guides would suddenly be going in the wrong direction, but it was manageable.

Isn't there a way to permanently lock the direction of the hair mesh guides?

Steps to Reproduce:

Hi John,

Are you referring to Hair from Mesh Strips object? Hair directions shouldn't change after you rotate them. We'll need to be able to reproduce this. I tried it a few times here now, but it reloads the scene correctly. Do you have any idea how to get the error to happen consistently?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)