
Title:Referencing and flickering
Posted By:mviola ( Meg viola )
Date Created:16 February 2017



I'm using the most recent update of ornatrix and maya 2016.5

I have fur on a big monster character. When I render the main/master rig file, it renders fine (beautifully in fact!) but when I reference him into a scene the fur flickers a lot (as if it's rethinking the fur in every frame) 


I have tried importing without namespaces and also importing from reference and neither of those have worked (still experiencing flickering)

Steps to Reproduce:

Apply fur to a master file of a character

reference character into new scene and add animation


Hi Meg,

I'm doing some tests here. Can you give me more information? are you using the Dynamics operator or nCloth to simulate the hair, what rendering engine and version are you using? Have you tried to reproduce this problem in a new scene? Please attach a screen capture of your hair stack. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Meanwhile, When you are done with your guides use "Remember Roots" in Guides From Surface, this will avoid the re-interpolation of the guides, in Hair From Guides use "Remember Roots Positions" for the same reason, besically you need the hair to stay the same during animation and not re-interpolate when you deform or animate the Distribution Mesh, do the same in the Hair Cluster modifier if you are using one. Let me know if that works for you. :)

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hello! Thanks for getting back to me.

I am not using any sort of dynamics. I'm using the lastest version of renderman as my rendering engine.

I have "remember root position" in use in my master file and in my referenced file. 


Here's the screenshot of the stack

Attached Files:

>remeberroots.JPG (58964 bytes), >stack.JPG (23199 bytes),

I see, When you are using Baked Guides you have to "Ground" these guides using the Ground Strands operator to your Distribution Mesh before using Edit Guides, this is why the guides are recalculating in every frame. You can find more info about the Ground Strands Operator in the docs:

You hair Stack should look like this:

Hair Stack

Attached Files:
Image 1

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

So adding the Ground Strands operator with the baked guides in the master file didn't seem to make a difference.

I have an older file without the baked guides so I am going to try adding it there and will let you know how that goes.

In the Ground Strands operator rememeber to press  the Set Distribution Mesh button, select the distribution surface inside the viewport and then click the Ground Strands button in the Attribute Editor.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

That didn't seem to work either. Here is what the flickering looks like 

Attached Files:

>furflickering.mp4 (233993 bytes),

This flickering is ONLY happening in the referenced file. In the master file it renders just fine!

Attached Files:

>furanim.mp4 (949844 bytes),

The fur does not flicker in the master file even without the Ground Strands?

I can take a closer look to the scene if you want, you can send it to my email, is totally private and protected under NDA:

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I will send it your way now

Thanks. Remember to include any map you are using for the hair, reference and master file. I will take a look into it as soon as I can. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)