
Title:Ornatrix 6 crashes Rebus Renderfarm machines. Can't render on thier farm.
Posted By:threeaxis ( SH )
Date Created:6 February 2018



Ornatrix 6 crashes on Rebus Renderfarm. Can't render on thier farm. Can you help them get up to date?



Steps to Reproduce:

Upload file returns error crash.


We will get in contact with Rebus Farm to solve this issue, maybe they just have to upgrade. What happens if you try to render locally?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

i think they are just running an older version of 5 so it just crashes when a V6 file is uploaded.

locally works just just fine. is V6 still considered beta?



I forgot to mention it, yes. Ornatrix V6 is still in beta, actually we recommend it for testing only.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

crud. is it easy to convert back to 5? it's not listed as beta on the downloads page so i've been building everything in 6.

That's odd, V6 should be listed as beta in the download page, we will fix this, thanks.

I think you can just collapse the modifier stack to guides and make sure you are not using a V6 specific modifier. You can also collapse the stack into guides and recreate the stack in V5.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)