
Title:Hair From Particles Crash with TP 6.6
Posted By:joegunn3d ( joe gunn )
Date Created:8 April 2018



Using 3dsmax 2018


TP 6.6.134

3dsmax Fast Exit

Steps to Reproduce:

Create a thinking particles node

create a PositionBorn operator

Create the HairFrom Particles object from Ornatrix.

PICK TP = BOOM crash

This happens on any TP setup

Thanks Joe. I don't have TP here, will try to see if it's reproducible with a demo.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I cannot reproduce the crash, but I cannot generate hair from TP particles either. It doesn't seem to respect 3dsmax's default particle interface which is what HFP in Ox uses.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks for looking into this Marsel.  That's sounds like it's on the CEBAS side then.  It would be good to NOTE that at least in the docs that it only supports default 3dsmax particle systems.