
Title:ox render setting_Hair radius doesn't work
Posted By:barone ( Giampiero Milozzi )
Date Created:28 June 2018



 Hello ,

i've update ornatrix to version for 3ds max 2018 , but when i try to use "ox render setting " and change the hair radius in the profile control, every time i do it 3ds max gone crash and closed the application.
I don't know how to fix it.

Could you please help me?

Thank you


Steps to Reproduce:

Attached Files:

>crash_hair_radius_rendersettings.JPG (1515003 bytes), >hair+radius.JPG (1308857 bytes),


I just tried with the latest nightly build and it seem to be working fine. Can you try build [Nightly]? Also, have in mind that V6 is still in beta and we don't recommed it for production yet.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

OX Render Settings is being depreciated in V6 Please use Ox Change Width that should work much better for you.




Than you guys amazing support , with nightly build  works well, and tank you for the advice to use ox change widht it's work much better, any other advices for make dreadlock in ornatrix Cry

To create dreadlocks maybe you can start modeling tubes and using them to create hair using the HairFromMeshStrips modifier. I would use a high hair density and a lot of frizz and curling.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)