
Title:Mutiple Ox
Posted By:Atalow ( Mathieu GASQ )
Date Created:6 August 2018




We use Ornatrix since few month, and we have LOT OF.. ho.. VERY LOT OF issues..... with the V5 or v6.... 

We fight against lot of instabilité, although we have read all your doc and make MANY MANY MANY tests... !

We work on a V6 actually, and we try to put multiple Dynamics in one scene.
When we try on very simple mesh like a box, with simple setup : it work well !
But when we try on real subjet.... crash, and crash, and crash...... 

We havetry many thnigs to make a diagnostics, and we didn't find a solution !


Steps to Reproduce:

Hi Mathieu,

What exact build of Ornatrix are you using? What version and update of 3ds Max?

I see you have the problem in both V5 and V6 (Remember that V6 is still in beta and only recommeded for testing. We recommended finishing your projects with the stable version), but I can't reproduce it in any of them.

In this case I think it could be something specific to your scene. Are you able to reproduce this in a new scene? Can you share the problematic scene for testing? If so, please send it to with a link to this thread.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

On top of what Jeordanis said, please also provide specific steps to reproduce your problems. I am sorry to hear you experience instabilities but this is the only way you can do something about them: report them and give us as much detailed information as you can. Otherwise we can't do much with information you provided.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thank for your quickly answer.

We work on V6 beacause, on our latest project with Ox we have many issues that we resolve with the v6 (speed & stability of dynamics.
For the version, we work on 3dsmax 2016 mainly, with the latest build of Ox (6.0.12).

Our scene : We create a rigged tree (fir type), and we use Ox to make needle. Each branch have independly ox modifier with dynamics. We make a test on 1, 2 or 3 branch... but now with all (about 24)... it crash all the time.

After many test, i discover that only few branch make crash, and when i remove the dynamics... the simulation work well.. why ?! All the branch have the same setup.

I willt try to remove the V6 and re-installe the v5.

Thanks for your help.

PS : if you want report of bug... we just done a fiction with little monster with fur... we have had (with no joke ) hundreds of bugs : Stability of dynamics, brush explose when we re-open the scene, new brush at each frame on distributed rendering, brush change during the rendering...
However we done the project, but we have lost MANY time to find a solution at every bugs... !