
Title:bug? the grow/shrink brush in the edit guide modifier seems to ignore the brush attenuation curve
Posted By:cinci ( )
Date Created:13 January 2019



the grow/shrink brush seems to ignore the brush attenuation curve


3dsmax 2019.3  ornatrix and 6 beta

Steps to Reproduce:

1. create a plane

2. use the create/add hair option on the ornatrix menu and choose "furball"

3. go to "Ox Guides from Surface" modifier and increase the number of guides

4. go to "Ox Edit guide" modifier, select brush subobject and then the grow/shrink brush

5. paint on the plane .. you can see the guides growing all in the same way ( unsing "brush along surface" option too) ignoring the brush attenuation curve


Attached Files:
Image 1


This happens because this brush does not have a falloff at the moment. However, this is in our TODO list and will be added eventually. Thank you for your feedback.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)