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"The simulation has become unstable." Error:

This is caused by one (or more) of the strands losing their stability balance during simulation. The most common causes for this are:

1. The wisp radius of one of the strands is too small. If auto-generating wisps, check to see that no two guides are located too closely to each other. If that is the case try removing one of those guides before simulation. You might also want to try to specify the wisp radius manually (using global wisp radius) or scale the existing ones. Turn off collisions and check if this instability still happens, if it does then this is most likely the error.

2. Flexibility is set to 0. Flexibility parameter of 0.0 will cause hair strands to never settle down. In fact in many cases it will amplify hair movement to the point where it becomes unstable.

3. Damping force is too great. Having too huge of a damping force can cause a negative effect of hair becoming unstable. Although this doesn't happen very often, it is one of the possibilities.

"A stack overflow has occurred." Error:

This is the second most popular error. It only happens when you did not allocate enough stack memory for all of the simulation parameters to be computed in a single step. The solution is simple: increase stack size in dynamics parameters. However sometimes you might be more concerned about the cause. If you have sufficient stack space allocated and this error still happens it means that there is most likely too many contacts in the scene or something is wrong with the wisps.

"Your timeout interval has expired." Error:

There is a simulator option in Ornatrix that lets you specify time (in seconds) of how long Ornatrix will wait before warning you that simulation is taking too long. If you get this error it means that simply per a single step the simulation is taking more time than set by the timeout. if you know your scene is very large and takes a while to compute you can continue waiting and you won't be bugged again. However you can also cancel the simulation at this point and change some parameters to make it go faster. This option is generally useful to cancel simulations if you don't have a lot of time to spend on them.

"Too many contacts between wisps and external objects." Error:

There is a limit to how many contacts are allowed to happen per single frame in Ornatrix. Although that limit is very rarely reached, it is there to prevent possible hangs of Ornatrix. The reason for this is obvious- you have too many objects colliding at the same time. The cause depends completely on your scene. One thing that is most likely to make this error happen is that wisp radii are too big.

"Collision detection has encountered an error." Error:

This error should never happen. However if it does, please contact Ornatrix support.

"An unknown error has occurred." Error:

This error should never happen. However if it does, please contact Ornatrix support.