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When using an Ornatrix raytracer you can set up global rendering parameters such as thickness and self-shadowing options that will be used to render all of the hair. However, if you would like to have each hair object to have its own parameters (different hair thickness properties for example) you have to somehow specify those settings locally. That can be done with a strand render settings modifier.

Whenever you add this mod into the stack it will alter the local render settings for the strands being passed through the pipeline. Then once output plugins request the strands they will check if these local settings are specified and use them over the global ones. Note that many output plugins don't even provide global settings for this matter. For example, mesh from strands modifier and *mentalRay output* don't provide any thickness settings and reply on the render settings modifier to provide all the data required for rendering.

If render settings modifier does not alter the strands and global parameters aren't available the default parameters will be used.


All of the parameters are similar to those used by the fast raytracer component. You can use its help as reference.