Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:14 February 2024
New: Converted Edit Guides UI to Qt
New: Significant speed increase in Push Away from Surface operator
New: Changing the groom directory in textbox updates the grooms list
Fixed: Surface Comb: Unable to mirror sinks and some other issues
Fixed: The selection brush stops working correctly if 'Affect Selected Only' is enabled
Fixed: Crash with proxy meshes when input hair doesn't have a distribution mesh
Fixed: [Edit Guides] Affect Selected Only doesn't work, when On.
Fixed: [Edit Guides] Enabling Num.Control Points = 0 causes the program to crash.
Fixed: [Rotate Strands] Realtime Update not working
Fixed: MFS doesn't update when changing width of hair with proxy meshes
Fixed: MFS: Cross section curve control not working

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)