Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:1 December 2016
+ New: Guide groups rollout allowing quicker and easier way to select and specify guide groups
+ New: "Import multiple splines" option in Edit Guides
+ New: All brush settings are independent for each brush.in Edit Guides modifier
+ New: Apply amount parameter in Edit Guides Modifier
+ New: Added tooltips to HairFromGuides export data checkboxes
* Fixed: When Show End Result is on and Hide Backfacing is on the Edit Guides gizmo does not hide backfacing guides
* Fixed: Turning off "Root Transforms" option in Hair form Guides produces incorrect hair shape
* Fixed: Crash when deleting guides in a multi-layered Edit Guides modifier
* Fixed: Crash when removing surface comb sinks in some loaded scenes

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)