Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:15 May 2017
New: Edit Guides change retargeting (input guide number and positions can change without destroying Edit Guide edits)
New: Generate Strand Data modifier can create per-vertex data
Fixed: Symmetry modifier causes all hairs to appear at origin
Fixed: Propagation modifier does not respect strand groups from incoming guides
Fixed: Baked hair dissapears after collapsing and loading scene
Fixed: Propagation modifier has no effect when used on top of HairFromMeshStrips
Fixed: Transforms get corrupted with multiple propagation levels
Fixed: Crash when re-grounding guides generated from HairFromMeshStrips
Fixed: Toolbar doesn't support "Lock" and "Detach" to surface buttons on Max 2018
Fixed: Flickering and distortion on fur due to Hair Clustering modifier

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)