Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:6 November 2017
New: Added range values allowing negative and more then 1 values for Surface Comb in strand bend graph
New: Right clicking on graphs allows to choose preset
Fixed: 3dsmax 2018 crashes after combing nodes and resetting scene
Fixed: Sporadic crash when using Guides from Shape modifier
Fixed: Brushes not working at very large scene scales
Fixed: Crash when using UV-based hair interpolation on a mesh which doesn't have any UV channels
Fixed: Error when trying to load Ornatrix with Cebas Thinking Particles Volume Breaker
Fixed: Guides breaks if groomed after moving the roots
Fixed: Edit guides panels appear scrambled and scrolling doesn't always work in Max 2016 and earlier
Fixed: Qt diagrams for Propagation modifier don't save with the scene
Fixed: Incorrect hair distribution when using "Is Inside Object" in Generate Guide Data modifier

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)